We’re all about learning, and it is from the many books we read, songs we listen to or films we watch that we gain inspiration to take positive action. Here at Strawberry Generation, we ask Millennials to share 3 books that have changed their lives, and 3 songs that best accompany each read. We also ask them to share about a cause that is important to them, and how one can start taking action today.

Books And Music | Ng Ling Kai

We’re all about learning, and it is from the many books we read, songs we listen to or films we watch that we gain inspiration to take positive action. Here at Strawberry Generation, we ask Millennials to share 3 books that have changed their lives, and 3 songs that best accompany each read. We also ask them to share about a cause that is important to them, and how one can start taking action today.

Strawberry Generation

Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
It’s Oh So Quiet by Bjork

Written in 1953, this book is about a world where firemen don't put out fires--their job is to start fires, in order to burn books. I find this book eerily prescient in its presentation of the world we live in today. Could it be that we are now living in Bradbury’s world? We now live in a world where people distrust science, large fringe groups rebuff vaccinations, and politicians discredit experts in their various fields (Trump VS. Coronavirus). Bradbury predicted the mindless rise of celebrity culture and reality television that we surround ourselves with nowadays, as well as the current worship of ignorance. He predicted the kind of society wherein a man like Donald Trump could have a chance at a presidential nomination and the uplifting of such tools as Kanye West, a "proud non-reader of books"

If nothing else, it is an interesting book, and at the very least it will entertain you for a while.

The Myth of Sisyphus, Albert Camus
Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have by Lana Del Rey

I remember, by the end of Junior College I was quite lost and unhappy with where my life was going to go - I had worked so hard to get into such and such a secondary school, and to JC, and I am supposed to go to either of the 3 national universities, eventually do well, get a job, and so on, happily ever after. Though that’s not quite how the story goes, as I can confirm now as a 34 year old. I did not know then where the dissatisfaction came from; it could have just been a typical strawberry generation complaint about so-called first world problems. Eventually I realised it my search for purpose that probably led to those feelings. It was around that time I picked up this book, and I’m glad I did. I am reminded of the things I’ve read in this book every time I feel lost, or upset that things do not go my way. It’s had a big influence on how I think about my life.

The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life, Twyla Tarp
Armor by Sara Bareilles

Lots of people wonder how they can be more creative, and I often find myself trying to explain how my songs come about. I have to admit I have no idea where they come from some times, and if I am unable to summon creativity for a client’s project, then I am in trouble! Luckily with practice, summoning “creativity” trains it like a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Creativity might not just be about arts or music; it could be about how you look at problems, find solutions, and handle all kinds of situations.

This book helps explain what happens in creative processes and I think it’s a great book in that it inspires and encourages everyone to be creative in their domain, or across domains. Rather than talk about theories, Twyla Tarp offers you some methods to break out of the “box”, so to speak. Fun read, good practical exercises.

Your name: Ling Kai

What you do: Marketing, Voiceover talent, Singer, Songwriter

What you care about: Civil Discourse

3 ways people can help or contribute towards what you care about:

  • Acceptance that people will disagree, but engage kindly - especially on social media
  • Speak up more often, after thoughtful consideration
  • Willing to consider different points of view

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