We’re all about learning, and it is from the many books we read, songs we listen to or films we watch that we gain inspiration to take positive action. Here at Strawberry Generation, we ask Millennials to share 3 books that have changed their lives, and 3 songs that best accompany each read. We also ask them to share about a cause that is important to them, and how one can start taking action today.

Books And Music | Ching S. Sia

We’re all about learning, and it is from the many books we read, songs we listen to or films we watch that we gain inspiration to take positive action. Here at Strawberry Generation, we ask Millennials to share 3 books that have changed their lives, and 3 songs that best accompany each read. We also ask them to share about a cause that is important to them, and how one can start taking action today.

Strawberry Generation

The Narcissist in Your Life: Recognizing the Patterns and Learning to Break Free, Julie L. Hall
Movin On by Shoffy

I was in a dark place during the early stages of the CB lockdown when this book helped me find the closure I needed, and recognise why it is important to set boundaries for the betterment of my mental health. This book allowed me to recognise toxic patterns of those around me, and realise that we need to walk away from toxic folks, even if they are related by blood. As asians, we are often told that blood is thicker than water, but our support system is often made up of our chosen family, and that is okay too. Many are not equipped with the language to discuss what narcissism looks like, and this book provides a vocabulary for us to articulate our experiences.

“Keeping strong, keeping strong, new flame in the darkness” from the song Movin On, may this book give others the strength to others the way it has given me.

The Art of Advocacy in Singapore edited, Constance Singam and Margaret Thomas
I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor

As an activist, I thoroughly enjoyed this book where many advocates and activists from different community groups and NGOs talked about the strategies they adopted in various ground up movements they have spearheaded, and on civic participation in Singapore. From environment conservation to theatre and SingLit as an effective tool of dissent, it is incredible to read about the tenacity of these advocates and activists refusing to give up on the causes they believe in, changing things for the better in Singapore. Contrary to mainstream opinion, these are the experiences of loving critics and critical lovers of Singapore. As Gloria Gaynor has wisely said/sang, “I will survive, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive”, something all activists need to remember to keep persevering and trying.

This is what Inequality Looks like, Teo You Yenn
Lovely by Billie Eilish feat Khalid

Prof Teo You Yenn’s book is an excellent piece of ethnographic research on poverty and inequality in Singapore. Academic research and writing has often been criticised to be unaccessible, but not this book. Prof Teo’s research not only makes us question our meritocratic system and neoliberal policies, but will also likely instill empathy in those who have avoided uncomfortable topics on race, privilege, class and poverty for the longest time. “But I know some day I'll make it out of here, even if it takes all night or a hundred years” from Lovely, poverty is a vicious cycle that haunts generations after and will require a real systematic change.

Your Name: Ching S. Sia

What you do: PhD candidate, LGBTQ activist

What you care about: Social Inequality and LGBTQ Issues

3 ways people can help or contribute towards what you care about:

  • Follow Pink Dot SG and Ready4Repeal on social media to learn more on LGBTQ issues and repealing 377A respectively.
  • Come out (if it is safe to do so) and lead the way for others by being your authentic self. It can be as small as listening to another, or showing up at an event with the community (such as Prout’s monthly #QueerTriviaNightSG where I am also a quizmaster at) because everyone of us counts.
  • Starting a difficult conversation with someone who has a different opinion from you, without the intention of shutting them down. There is beauty in surrounding yourself with people who share different views from you.

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