A Letter To My 16-Year-Old Self | Jessica Hutchinson

Strawberry Generation

Dear You,

Hey, how’s it going? Surreal huh, you must be thinking this is some Harry Potter time turner wizardry. But no, it’s not; it’s really me, I mean, well, you.

It’s the year 2020, you’ve literally just turned, 32, no wait, 33. Fuck, I’m old. Eew.
You’re never going to believe what you’ve been doing for the last 10 years, or what you’ve managed to accomplish. Honestly, you might initially think, “what’ve you done, you haven’t done anything that I deemed important or worth caring about” Which, to be fair; coming from a 16-year-old, I haven’t.

Let me start by saying, you’ve opened a new bangin’ all day clubhouse/restaurant/bar with your life partner. (We’ll get into that a little bit more later) The venue has received a ton of great feedback and won a few prestigious awards as well; especially during this Pandemic that we’re currently right smack in the middle of. You’ve been in the F&B scene for over 10 years now; yeah you didn’t make it into the thespian world; even though you studied it in College. No, CALM DOWN. It wasn’t a waste of time or money; you learnt a bunch of life skills and met so many amazing people and crew that you’re still in touch with.

You’re going to receive one big personal blow; wait no; make that 3. One, any minute now; you’re going to get your first heartbreak; it’ll ruin you a bit, you’ll be a tad dramatic and you’ll lose touch with this person for a couple years; but today – you literally texted her to check on her well-being and how’s she’s currently coping with the lockdown at home. Wow, that wasn’t even planned while I was writing this; talk about some astro-cosmic signs. Your second big blow; is a couple years down the road and it’s a big one – it’s a family one, and to this day; you still are struggling and dealing with it; but let me tell you; you should stop being angry about it maybe a couple years earlier. 33 year old me, held onto the anger a lot longer than I should have; and boy do I tell you; it’s exhausting. Communication is key, cliché as that sounds; and you really aren’t alone in this is all I can tell you. 3rd, yeah yeah, its another heartbreak but this one, this one stung and you lost yourself for longer than I care to admit. You need to thank your friends, and your family for not only being there for you but for giving you the space when you needed it.

I can tell you’re losing interest in this already; so lemme get to the juicy & good stuff.

You are finally in a healthy, relationship. She, yes, she, you’re still G-A-Y. It wasn’t just a phase. You’ve been together for over 5 years now; she’s your person and you guys got a FRENCH BULLDOG together. Yes, you finally have a friggin’ dog. According to an ex-colleague, you’re a strong individual with opinions that need to be shared and heard by the younger next generation. LOL can you believe that? WELL YOU BETTER, BABY! We’ve come out of the dark side, and things are a lot better, (well I mean, they could still be better but let’s not be greedy) From, being in Normal Academic, aka the slower class; to going to Arts College, thought of as, not good enough for real College; to working in the service industry, aka “when are you getting a real job” to, hushed whispers omg she’s gay; you’ve honestly still stuck to your guns, and grown into a pretty damn solid adult. Maybe don’t be so bratty when you don’t get things your way; but otherwise; there’s nothing you should do different; well maybe save a little bit more and you know, don’t be so short tempered with Mum, she’s the best; she made you breakfast in bed today; even though it was Mother’s Day yesterday.

Alright, this is long ‘nuff and I reckon you’ve skimmed past the bulk of it. Keep safe, keep your chin up; don’t doubt yourself; and just wash your damn hands; you won’t regret it.

XOXO [lol I bet you read that as gossip girl)


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